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- Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:40 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3941
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
I think TAM has the correct answer.
- Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:11 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3941
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
CHLLady wrote:Maybe the general public should understand the tensions going on in Asia better. I wish the media would give it like it really is to the American people so that they squirm a little in bed at night and wonder what the heck our enemies are doing. Maybe they would realize that sending a letter of protest does NOTHING but make them laugh at us as our politicians weaken our military and use drones to show our muscle. The UN will never have enough power to protect us. WE should protect ourselves.
Russian fighter jets flying over Guam, which is a US territory.
Russian warship 30 miles off the coast of Scotland just last week. (Took the Brits 24 hours to send a ship from Plymouth to Scotland to intercept!!! This is where we are headed! The military budget has to subsidize so many pet projects of this administration, making vets pay for it, totally makes sense, yeah? But who cares, there's no real threat.)
Chinese playing Battleship games with US ships in international water near Japan.
North Koreans causing drama at every US holiday, so they can try and ruin morale because every time they do this Leave gets cancelled and we are at standby.
Chinese now have warheads aimed at us that fly 2x the speed of sound.
... I know who our enemies are.

- Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:48 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
- Replies: 29
- Views: 3941
Re: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
jmra wrote:I really don't think it is a fair comparison. The first movie was set in a time where the concept that our soil could be invaded by a large military force was not considered by the general population as far fetched as it is today.
The problem with the remake is the lack of an enemy that the general public fears.