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by 03Lightningrocks
Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:14 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Report expired paper tags
Replies: 47
Views: 14889

Re: Report expired paper tags

C-dub wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:17 pm
srothstein wrote: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:15 pm But now for a possible explanation of why you don't see the police do anything. It is not generally illegal to have a car parked on the street with expired or no registration. There are some places with ordinances about using the street for storage, but that is all they can do with a parked car. To do something meaningful, they need to catch the person driving. Then, if it is just a real expired tag, she gets a ticket. You would never see that. If the paper tag is a forgery or someone altered it, then it goes up in level to a higher misdemeanor or even felony, depending on the exact circumstances.
Lewisville is or used to be a little militant about this. They would ticket you for having a vehicle parked on the street with a flat tire. They would also ticket you for an expired registration. My wife's car wasn't running and we had intended to donate it to The Can Academy. We already had another car for her and the non-running car was in our driveway with a cover on it. When the ticket arrived in the mail (from code enforcement BTW) I called to tell them it was not functioning and what we were planning on doing with it. During the conversation I asked how they could tell the registration had expired since it was pointed towards the house in the driveway and had a cover on it. They told me they were walking the neighborhood checking for code violations and lifted the cover to check. I complained and they said they had the right to do that according to the code. I informed them I also had the right to shoot anyone I found doing that because it would look to me like that person would appear to be attempting to steal my vehicle. I never received another code violation as long as we lived in that house. I may not have deserved one either, but I still never got one. They were also crazy about the length of your lawn. I would get notices a week or so after mowing. They claimed it was for a date one or two days before I mowed.

Farmers Branch is even worse. Nearly as bad as an HOA. Maybe worse about some things.
Sounds like some of the crap Plano pulls. My SIL drives a company truck home every night. Some "Karen" in his neighborhood complained and he was told by code he could not park a commercial vehicle in front of his house.
by 03Lightningrocks
Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Report expired paper tags
Replies: 47
Views: 14889

Re: Report expired paper tags

clarionite wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:02 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:36 am I am pretty sure we all have a window sticker in Texas now. I have seen a few of the paper tags but now that I think of it don't know how long it's been since seeing one. Regardless, I live in an area that has a lot of people and other more important issues for the law to be dealing with. I would feel like a dope calling the police because my neighbor had expired tags. They might even laugh at me on the phone. I would expect them to. I have had expired registration in the past. Many times. I always had insurance though. Usually it was just a matter of forgetting about it. I have only been pulled over once but it was back when we had window stickers for inspection only and it was like two years out. Some folks are just luckier than others. My SIL is an unlucky one. His goes out and two days later he is getting pulled over. me? I can drive around like that for two years and not get caught.
I bought a new car last year. When the tags came in the mail, I must not have seen the window tag and thrown it away. I realized I didn't have one when it came time to renew my truck's tags, and I went to see when the car was due. I looked it up online and I was two months out for the car, So I renewed it at the same time. Now I have one. I'm surprised I didn't get pulled over in the 10 months I drove without one.
I got confused by it at first. My truck sticker and tags were out by 2 years. When I went to register they informed me the new law says it has to be inspected first. So I get it inspected and leave. After driving back to the service station to tell them they forgot my sticker, I found out there is no inspection sticker now. It is kind of a pain. My truck had sat in the garage for six months and had a dead battery. I had to drive it for 150 miles with no valid sticker so it could pass inspection and get registered. Kind of a catch 22.
by 03Lightningrocks
Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:36 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Report expired paper tags
Replies: 47
Views: 14889

Re: Report expired paper tags

I am pretty sure we all have a window sticker in Texas now. I have seen a few of the paper tags but now that I think of it don't know how long it's been since seeing one. Regardless, I live in an area that has a lot of people and other more important issues for the law to be dealing with. I would feel like a dope calling the police because my neighbor had expired tags. They might even laugh at me on the phone. I would expect them to. I have had expired registration in the past. Many times. I always had insurance though. Usually it was just a matter of forgetting about it. I have only been pulled over once but it was back when we had window stickers for inspection only and it was like two years out. Some folks are just luckier than others. My SIL is an unlucky one. His goes out and two days later he is getting pulled over. me? I can drive around like that for two years and not get caught.

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