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- Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:05 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Beretta Jetfire 950 Pistol
- Replies: 21
- Views: 3784
Re: Beretta Jetfire 950 Pistol
Keltecs and the LCP are both very lightweight and small. The PX4 is going to be a little heavier and bigger. The revolvers are also probably heavier than the keltec or LCP. All of these can be fired DA.
- Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:55 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Beretta Jetfire 950 Pistol
- Replies: 21
- Views: 3784
Re: Beretta Jetfire 950 Pistol
Depending on how hard it is for you actually to work the slide, a small frame 38 special revolver might be a good choice (look to smith & wesson, ruger, or taurus). If you still want to stick with semi-autos, I would suggest not going below a .380 in size, if possible. Ruger has the new LCP model which is very small, and Kel-Tec has a bunch of fans on this board. If you're interested in having a physical safety, the new Beretta PX4 subcompacts are starting to show up, and they offer much better calibers. ... ompact.cfm ... ompact.cfm