Fangs wrote:Is there anything I could have done to right that wrong legally? Is it the law-abiding citizen's lot in life to bend over and take it in situations like this? I have to go replace my phone soon, every time I look at the screen it just makes me mad all over again.

There are three legal things you can do.
- You could use the phone to call the police and report the CRIMINAL MISCHIEF but it's only a B misd for $50 to $500 in damages so the police may not do anything.
- You can sue him and try to collect damages for the CRIMINAL MISCHIEF but it's probably not worth the time and money especially if you think his friends will perjure themselves to protect him.
- You can wait in the parking lot until he leaves and get his license plate and a description of the car and call the police to report a drunk driver.
There are a lot of things you can do outside the law to deal with bullies.