If I were in McAllen, I'd also keep an AR / AK by the bed...Bird of Prey wrote:My neighbors have two poodle-looking things and a red heeler that bark at EVERYONE (including me and I've lived there for 2 years now). Then I have motion sensor lights all around the house and night vision cameras with the monitor in my bedroom right by my head recording everything! This is the cool part, I rigged a wire from the motion sensor lights to one of those speaker things used to scare off mice so if the lights go off, I'm jumping out of my jammies! If they make it to the front door, my 9 month old Boxer (Meeko) has already been alerted by the "poodles" and is standing by the front door looking out the window through the curtain. If he so much as sees a shadow, he'll start howling and barking in a real low tone. (He thinks he's a Mastiff or something). All that racket will have me reaching about 2 feet from my bed to my Glock 19 9mm (15 in the mag and ALWAYS one in the pipe!)

You never know when those Narcos may get the wrong house.