Plan an invasion: Never had the opportunity, but based on my previous military experience, I could.
Butcher a hog: Done
Conn a ship: Never had the chance...only fishing / leisure boats.
Design a building: Done
Write a sonnet: Never done...but I'm still young.
Balance accounts: a pro at this...
Build a wall: Done
Set a bone: As a medic, and to myself (finger).
Comfort the dying: Grandma, but I was young...
Take orders: 91B (Army) and 2A352 (USAF)
Give orders: Done
Cooperate: You can't survive if you don't...everyone should be able to do this.
Act alone: Done...long story
Solve equations: What equations? I guess I can do most any I assume I met this requirement.
Analyze a new problem: Do it on a daily basis
Pitch manure: Never had the chance, but I'm not above it...
Program a computer: Do it on a daily basis
Cook a tasty meal: I'm a darn good cook if I must say...
Fight efficiently: I'm sure I can hold my own...
Die gallantly: We'll see...

Not bad for 31...