I agree, just keep the speed lower and you're not likely to get pinched.Keith B wrote:Not a big help against Lidar unless you equip it with a laser jammer (yes, they are legal against Lidar), but will run another $800+.surprise_i'm_armed wrote:OP:
Speed monitoring is surveillance.
Equip yourself with the best counter-surveillance - a Valentine One.
$395 up front will take the worry out of being fast.
We choose not to be crime victims by carrying heat.
Choosing not to be a revenue source for cities and towns is another form
of protection.
My opinion, just keep your speed down or pay the consequences if caught.
However, Lidar/Laser jammers are illegal in Texas as of 9/1/2011.
An Irving PD officer (coincidence??...I think not) testified before the Transportation committee in support of the bill. Guess he (or the department) didn't like getting a JTG (Jam To Gun) when running revenue enhancement, er speed enforcement

Here is the summary of the bill (HB 1116; 82(R) - 2011)
Legislative Session: 82(R)
House Bill 1116
House Author: Harper-Brown et al.
Effective: 9-1-11
Senate Sponsor: Shapiro
House Bill 1116 amends the Transportation Code to prohibit, with certain exceptions, purchase, sale, installation, or use of a device, a mechanism, an instrument, or equipment that is designed, manufactured, or used to interfere with a radar or laser device used to measure the speed of a motor vehicle. The bill makes it a Class C misdemeanor to violate such a prohibition.