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by Excaliber
Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:27 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Witnessed DUI accident
Replies: 4
Views: 1554

Re: Witnessed DUI accident

FL450 wrote:430am in Pearland on the way to pick up my daughter and son n law to take them to IAH, I turned off of FM 518 west onto Pearland Pky north and fell in behind a F-150 doing about 10 mph in the left lane. Not knowing his intentions I sldid not want to pass. About that time he drifted into the right lane and then onto the curb and hit a fire hydrant. All this took place in about 100 foot. I pulled into the parking lot and called the Pearland Police. I stayed in my vehicle not knowing who was inside for my safety. After a few minutes observing no movement in the vehicle I approached with caution close enough to shine my EDC light in the window and observed the lone occupant, the driver passed out sleeping with his seat leaned back and his feet on the dashboard in a semi fetal position. About that time the first of four units arrived. I handed one of the officers my DL and CHL, he handed my CHL back with out inquiring if I was carrying and said I will be right back and ask if I would write a statement. I did and chatted a few minutes and went on my way to pick up the kids, drop at IAH, go downtown to the office then to Hobby to tend to the corporate plane and home by 830. The officer commented in all the DUI stopped this is a first for him observing a DUI passed out in the fetal position feet on the dash with the vehicle still running and still in drive.
No one was hurt fortunately he wrecked early before he had a chancy to hurt someone else.
Nice work and great outcome!

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