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by Excaliber
Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:40 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance is Strong With This One
Replies: 23
Views: 5333

Re: The Cognitive Dissonance is Strong With This One

92f-fan wrote:Every time I read one of these I picture her as:

A medieval art history major, from a unknown school, home schooling 5 kids and they are all in front of me in a honda mini van with Clinton and green peace stickers on it, on the toll way in the left lane going 10 miles an hour under with the turn signal on for no apparent reason .... She is upset that she cant get a job, and her husband has been laid off 4 times because he cant show up for work on time and sober...Lives in a house 2x the size of mine and only filed bankruptcy twice but really trying this time.

Absolutely no connection with reality ... No sense of personal responsibility

yes ive spent some time on this ...

The reason she can't find a job is because the only places willing to pay for skills in her areas of expertise are the colleges that hired the professors who taught her those skills - and they aren't about to give up those tenured positions or they'd be out of work too.
by Excaliber
Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:27 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance is Strong With This One
Replies: 23
Views: 5333

Re: The Cognitive Dissonance is Strong With This One

Nothing to get upset about here.

Once a person has submitted to the cult programming of the left, they are much like a round fired up in the air - they're no good for anything, their trajectory can't be changed,and most of the time they have little impact worthy of note.

If we got upset every time one of these zombie morons spouts off, we'd spend our lives in that condition. That would expend far more energy than their gibberish merits, and distract us from doing things that are worthwhile - which I suspect is the actual objective of many of these rants.

I recommend responding under the Trump strategy - saying something like "stop all immigration for six months" - to get them to go totally unhinged and tumble and richochet around for a while for your entertainment. They'll reliably do just that because they are purely reactive and completely lack any analytical or self awareness skills that might allow them to recognize what you've done.

It's quite amusing once you get the hang of it.

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