alankorwin wrote:I live in Arizona where we have always had open carry, and it is a mixed blessing.
Before we had concealed carry (1994) open carry was the only option (ever since statehood in 1912), and it is off-putting to say the least in many situations, a deterrent on the right to keep and bear. You must be constantly wary of a snatch attempt. Many people see open carry and find it threatening and intimidating. It stands out in social circles, attracts unwanted attention, removes tactical advantage in a confrontation, makes you more of a target than you might want to be, prohibits carry where being discreet is the norm (back when concealment was not an option).
On the other hand, open carry provides "the inoculation effect," accustomizing people to seeing their fellow citizens bearing arms at the bakery, bank or strolling peacefully around town. It prevents the abuse Texans currently face for a gun merely visible, or "printing" through clothing. We enjoy periodic open-carry lunches, dinners and banquets, with dozens and even hundreds of people openly armed and enjoying meals and camaraderie. Buffet restaurants are particularly nice, because participants get a lot of exposure, and management likes the business we provide. Civil rights groups hold meetings with an invitation that says, "Tasteful open carry appreciated," motivating people to get nicely matching leather and mag carriers.
More important than open carry though, in my opinion, is Constitutional Carry. Texans own guns in any quantity and of any type legally available with virtually no government interference. But possession in public requires a government-issued permission slip, with applications, paperwork, approvals, classes, testing, fingerprints, photographs, entry into criminal-database lists, taxes called "fees," waiting and expiration dates -- expiration dates on your rights! And this is proudly known as "right to carry." So-called "right to carry" got us a long way forward from where we were. But all those requirements and hoops are humiliating from a constitutional perspective.
True Freedom To Carry means you can possess your private property, anywhere you can legally be, without bowing and scraping for permission from the king. In Arizona it's called Constitutional Carry, and we are now the 5th state to have it in some form. Texas beat us to it with the Motorist Protection Act in 2007, but basically only to, from and in vehicles (and a little more). If you step out of your vehicle you must forfeit your rights until you get back in (unless you have an unexpired plastic-coated permission slip, which 97% of Texans do not).
You know motorist carry is working, without classes and the rest of the people controls, despite the old tired dire lamestream-media claims of blood in the streets when it passed. It seems to me a person in Texas should be able to get out of the car, go have a burger and a malted with a gun safely tucked under a shirt, and not be subject to arrest, as we currently are. The freedom that would provide vastly outweighs (and would be far less polarizing) than the also important ability to have a gun visible and not create a firestorm of legal trouble for an innocent individual exercising basic human rights.
Alan Korwin
I gotta ask. If you live in AZ why are you co-authoring a book on Texas Gun Owner's?