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by Purplehood
Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:49 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Never leave home without it.....
Replies: 23
Views: 3676

Re: Never leave home without it.....

dicion wrote:
Purplehood wrote:
dicion wrote:You were not committing a UCW crime, You do not need a CHL to carry in the car.

Next time, ask the officer why you need to keep it in the trunk when TPC 46.02 Clearly states it is not a crime to carry one in a vehicle.

The only 'crime' you committed was failing to give the officer your CHL, which has absolutely no penalty.
He was operating a Motor Vehicle without his DL. I would panic too.
That's why you should memorize your DL# Like I have XD
Then when I forget it, I just tell them the number, and all is good.

Haven't had a problem with it yet.
I have never forgotten mine, so it would alarm me if I did. For more than one reason...
by Purplehood
Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:22 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Never leave home without it.....
Replies: 23
Views: 3676

Re: Never leave home without it.....

dicion wrote:You were not committing a UCW crime, You do not need a CHL to carry in the car.

Next time, ask the officer why you need to keep it in the trunk when TPC 46.02 Clearly states it is not a crime to carry one in a vehicle.

The only 'crime' you committed was failing to give the officer your CHL, which has absolutely no penalty.
He was operating a Motor Vehicle without his DL. I would panic too.

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