I get the same reaction everywhere I go w/ my M44.xpur3l0g1cx wrote:I took my mosin 44 out and a guy came over down the line and said what the heck is that. All he could comment was how loud it was.
At one outdoor range I overheard a guy with a $3000 AR15 telling the range warden, "that is the most obnoxious gun!"
At a 50yd indoor range I was at lane 1 and the guys from lane 7 came over to tell me they could feel the air pulse (shockwave?) and feel the thump from all the way over there. Wanted to look at the ammo and they stared at it w/ jaws dropped.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlRG-Afa ... re=related video slow motions fireball
one more thing.. it always makes kids jump (and some adults).
I actually do not enjoy shooting it... it wears me out and I am not recoil sensitive. was my first milsurp rifle and I learned a bunch from it.