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by Salty1
Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:07 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Backup Pistol for Hog Hunting
Replies: 42
Views: 14059

Re: Backup Pistol for Hog Hunting

I was recently involved in the same situation, not necessarily for hog but a hunting handgun in general. After lots of research I ended up getting a used Ruger Super Redhawk in 44 mag. It came with a scope but I took it off as it would not be used for longer distance hunting. My decision was based on the fact that if I was going to get a handgun for hunting, then I wanted one that would hunt anything ethically. Is the 44 mag too much for a hog, well that can be debated, especially if it is on the smaller side. Since I am going to Colorado for elk and will be in bear and mountain lion territory I made a determination that the 44 mag would do anything I needed it to and if the luck comes my way and an elk comes within 50 yards then possibly could use the handgun to take it for the additional adrenaline rush.


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