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by Mike1951
Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:53 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Special Session -- 2013
Replies: 106
Views: 55489

Re: Special Session -- 2013

paperchunker wrote:
Richard_B wrote:
paperchunker wrote:This was the last chance for Perry and Dewhurst in my book. It is time to really get behind Greg Abbott for Governor and Jerry Patterson for Lt. Governor in 2014.
You may be surprised to learn that Speaker Straus (R-San Antonio) is "A" rated by NRA-ILA. Rep. Joe Pickett (D-El Paso), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee is likewise "A" rated.

How would you have rated these individuals based upon their actions in the last three regular sessions?

Soon, I think, it will be time to evaluate the methods and results of ILA's evaluation of candidates.

You may wish to make your own assessment of the matter.
I would rate them all an "F", however I am not in their districts. I do strongly encourage my rep to vote against Strauss but as long he has all the Democrats and a handfull of RINO's he will stay as Speaker.

A change in Texas House rules to elect the Speaker solely by the majority party, like the US House does, is sorely needed.
I posted this back in March, wondering if it was sincere.
Dear TSRA Members, Family and Friends:

If you recently received an out-of-state alert or read a blog attacking the Texas Speaker of the House, thank you for noticing the inaccuracies, bad information and for not calling the Speaker's office or a member of the Legislature.

Earlier this month a letter was sent from this same out-of-Texas source attacking HB 972 by Rep. Fletcher and SB 182 by Sen. Birdwell. These two bills, hammered-out over two previous legislative sessions, would allow adult students, faculty and staff with a concealed handgun license to have this important personal safety option as they go about their daily activities on a college campus.

The letter was followed by an email alert which blames the impending loss of these bills and other pro-gun bills on Speaker of the House Joe Straus.

Nothing in the alert was correct.

All Legislation in Texas is alive and well. Gun bills are in very good shape, thanks to an ongoing and open relationship with leadership in both chambers of the Texas Legislature.

You might recall during last session, after 8 long years, TSRA was able to pass SB 321, the Employee Protection Act. We also passed SB 766 to protect safe shooting ranges from frivolous lawsuits. These two important bills passed with help from Speaker of the House Joe Straus and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst in the Senate.

As in past Legislative Sessions, House and Senate Committees begin hearing testimony on bills as filing ends. The close for bill filing is tomorrow. The process will now begin to push forward.

This is not the time for misinformation or inaccuracies from a source having no presence in Texas, no "boots on the ground".

While TSRA strongly supports and encourages diversity of opinion, the attack on the Texas Speaker was unfounded, incorrect and an embarrassing distraction at best.

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