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by Diesel42
Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:03 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24597

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

It appears your girlfriend places value on courtesy and respect. I suggest the logic that Whole Foods knows their demographics very well. They probably use a sign that appeases their anti-gun customers without running off their licensed customers.

Hope that helps,

teds787 wrote:Thanks for all the great feedback on this subject.

Just to let the GF bashers know, the relationship is quite wonderful and well worth a little teasing about some of the things I do. She's quite a wonderful woman and we're able to get along quite well in spite of a few differences in opinion.

I just recently took the CHL class so I was pretty sure the 30.06 sign was required to keep a CHLer from carrying in the store. Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. My response is, if the law had not made provisions for making it illegal for CHLers to carry in someone's store, then it might be different. But since there is a provision, and Whole Foods is not using that provision, that indicates to me that they do not intend to prohibit CHLers from carrying in their store.

We have pretty much agreed to disagree on this one. We're still gonna go to Whole Foods and I'm still going to carry while shopping there.

Such is life when one chooses not to live it alone. ;-)

Ted S.

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