G.A. Heath wrote:Red light tickets are not issued to the violator, they are instead issued to the owner of the vehicle. So If I were to borrow your vehicle and run a red light with camera enforcement you would get the ticket, not me even though you did nothing wrong. To make things worse you would have to prove that you were not responsible for the infraction, not the city/county government prove you were responsible. Additionally there has been a number of studies that shows many photo enforced intersections have had the lights adjusted to increase revenue and actually do not meet state guidelines. Overall photo enforcement is generally abused and often causes more problems than it solves. You can get much better results by parking a patrol car and putting a mannequin inside of it for a few hours a day while spending less money than the photo system costs. Of course the mannequin won't generate revenue...

200%. Well said. It is simply a tax on people who legally register their vehicles.