that being said i have been on the fence for sometime now about which new carry to get. the two ive been juggling are the para hawg hawg 45 and the xd 45acp compact. i like the mag extension on the xd but im think it would fairly easier to carry the 3 in hawg. the downside to the hawg is there is no mag extension although it does have a 10+1 capacity.
You don’t say which Para “Hawg� model you have in mind. There are quite a number of Para models and configurations designated “Hawg�, some single stack others Hi-Cap.
The single stacks currently enjoy a better reputation for reliability than do the Hi-Caps (just being honest).
other than that im concerned about accuracy(sp) given the 3"in barrel. i do remember from the chl class they say most encounters are usually between 3 and 12ft but id like to know that if i have to engage a target past that i can hit it.
Either pistol will be sufficiently accurate at distances exceeding 25 yards (well beyond normal self defense range). Short barrels do not = “inaccurate�.
Here is a target I shot with my Daughter’s Para Carry 9. That is 10 (not five) shots in 1� at 10 yds. (30 feet) from a 3� barrel. I am sure the Springfield would do very well also.
Most “Shooter’s� tend to be less accurate with a short barreled weapon because of the shorter sight radius, less weight forward of the grip centerline, etc….but the gun itself should be capable of very good accuracy. Both Springfield and Para are known for good accuracy if nothing else. Both companies offer lifetime warranties and both companies have excellent customer service.
the other thing i like about the hawg is its a full steel construction where as the xd is polymer grip and steel slide.
This amounts to personal preference. Both weapons will outlast you if properly cared for, and the weight of either can be closely matched. Para offers frames made of steel or Aluminum alloy… so weights run between 24 and 32 ozs.
the other factor is the xd is about 500 bucks and the hawg is closer to 900. so does anyone have any recommendations for me? im not sure how much support there is for the hawg ie holster selection. i know the xd has alot. so any help would greatly appreciated. Thanks
Cost is something you will have to decide on for yourself. Even though I am a Para owner and generally like them, I will tell you that “resale� value on Para’s is not in line with some other major brands… when you consider their high initial cost. Again, just being honest.
Holsters are not a concern. There is a plethora of holsters for either the Springfield or the Para.
If you want the most bang for the buck, I would go for the Springfield. If you have $900.00 burning a hole in your pocket and want something unusual, buy the Para.
Consider also…that if your budget allows $800-$900 you can look at a great variety of firearms. Springfield, Para, Kimber, Kahr, Smith & Wesson, Gl…Glllooo….Gloooc…Glock.
Good luck, let us know what worked for you.