txinvestigator wrote:PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not think you can watch these techniques on video and be able to do them without getting yourself shot.......everyone.
New students always get "shot" the first few times they practice these techniques.
I should also stress that these techniques should never be attempted with trepidation or hesitation. They must be committed to 100% and done at full force.
Excellent advice.
Gun disarms are very risky. They require total commitment when "attempted"...and I would certainly choose my techniques with great care.
There are hundreds of techniques being taught that are virtually guaranteed to get you shot. In fact, there are aspects of Krav-Maga that I really dislike, but I'm sure the practicality of the technique(s) would vary with the source.
When you consider that your attacker (in most cases) only needs to move his finger 1/4"-3/4" to shoot you, (before you can execute your "Special Forces Kung-Fu Never Revealed To The Public Before" move) then things begin to take on some perspective.
You'll want to be sure that the technique gets you off line, controls the weapon (not the limb), and can be performed realistically.. with consideration to your own physical constraints. In other words: What works well for a 20 yr. old Israeli soldier might not "cut the mustard" for you or me.
I suspect more than a few of us no longer possess those "cat like reflexes" we had in our youth.
Just food for thought.