Both pistols new. First one failed in less than 50 rounds. Even at that time....I just considered it a fluke. Gun shop replaced it with another new one (new paperwork).But, 150 rounds of .357 down range through a K Frame you should have been given a new revolver. If buying or getting one used you just never know what the "other" guy did.
Replacement failed at just under 150 rounds, Gun Shop acted as liaison between me and S&W. Shipped gun back to S&W, received refund and info that the 19 wasn't designed to digest .357 "on a steady basis". Of course... nothing about that was in their literature at the time, nor was anything said about it at the time of the original sale.
Two 'lemons' back to back. Possible...I suppose, but the issue is far from rare with regards to 19's of that time period (late 70's early 80's).
I'm not bashing S&W or the Model 19, just relating my experience so that others (if not already aware) might avoid the same thing. I doubt you can find a replacement barrel these days if a problem occurred.