Search found 5 matches
- Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:51 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: September Applications
- Replies: 121
- Views: 22410
Re: September Applications
56 days door to door.. whooo hooo 

- Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:25 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: September Applications
- Replies: 121
- Views: 22410
Re: September Applications
Yea, hoping it shows up sooner than later. Wally walk will have to wate if it shows up today though, doing the miller light walk right now 

- Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:07 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: See ya!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 878
Re: See ya!
good stuff..
been lokking at that m&p for some time.. any chance you are able to compare thoughts vs glock, espically the G30?
been lokking at that m&p for some time.. any chance you are able to compare thoughts vs glock, espically the G30?
- Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:36 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: September Applications
- Replies: 121
- Views: 22410
Re: September Applications

Called yesterday and was told its complete and just waiting to be mailed out. Why it may take "a few weeks" to get to me I have no idea.
App sent on September 3rd.
- Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:15 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: DPS getting tricky???
- Replies: 1
- Views: 899
DPS getting tricky???
First let me say hello, new guy here waiting and checking the DPS site daily.. hourly.. ok, its an obsession!! :rules: :banghead: So I sent my packet in certified mail w/ return reciept some time late July early Audust. Got my return stub from USPS soon after and it got tossed into that mystery pile...