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by TxDrifter
Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:42 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I guess enough time has passed...
Replies: 36
Views: 5623

Re: I guess enough time has passed...

The Annoyed Man wrote:That sounds like what happens whenever my wife borrows my car. She NEVER remembers to put the seat all the way back. She uses it all the way forward. I can't even get into the car that way. It always leaves me muttering under my breath about dadgum mutter mutter....
No wife, but they solve that problem with a vehicle option. It memorizes the placement of the seat, mirrors (excepting the rearview on the windshield) and gas pedal. When set up properly and you click your key fob they move to the appropriate positions.

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