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by Bunkins
Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:03 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
Replies: 81
Views: 13516

Re: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long

lanternlad wrote:. And regarding the attacker not holding a weapon, a fist IS a deadly weapon. Any UFC fighter or boxer will agree.

So if my Grandma came up and closed fist hit you square in the mouth, are you going to shoot her? I very seriously doubt a jury will think your life was at risk, unless you had a medical condition where a blow from a 85 yr old woman can kill you. 50-50 chance? I bet it's more like a 1-99% chance for a healthy male. The same hit from a guy twice your size, his fists could be a deadly weapon, but you have to prove he was trying to cause you harm, allowing you to use deadly force to prevent a black eye..

Now if a guy is pounding your head against something, it's deadly force. But by then you may not have the option to draw your gun to defend yourself.. It's very gray, and you better be able to prove your case..

Think about this next time you wonder if you can use force. The law's of physic's, loosely said ( also a loose example, but you'll get the point ), a action results in a equal reaction.. If a guy puts a dent in your fender. Is the reaction to put a round between his eye's? I think not. But if a guy runs at you with a knife, stop the reaction part and be the first to act.. If a guy is beating on your fender and you tell him to stop, and he does and walks away or whatever you cant use deadly force. If he turned around and attacks you, then you can use deadly force ( could be a gray area? ).

I'm a car nut, I take pride in the condition of my vehicles, I also put a lot of money into my vehicles. It's not worth a life though. It's worth defending, but not with deadly force unless the situation changes to me being the one thats getting attacked..

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