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by nitrogen
Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:26 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Ron Paul Fundraising pulls in over 2.6 M today alone
Replies: 74
Views: 10051

Part of the problem is how the whole debate has been framed.
"Cut and Run" sounds like surrender.

For a second, try and put yourself in their shoes.

Bear with me for a second. This will take some imagination.

Imagine, if you will, our next president, George W Hillary Guliani Clinton takes office, and shortly after, declares martial law. Suspends the constitution; confiscates our guns, forcebly detains people they dissagree with, the whole 9 yards. Our next president then holds on to power for the next 30 or so years, by ruthessly murdering their opponents, killing their own people, and stirring fear into the people.

Then, imagine, our "friend" in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez decides to liberate us from George W Hillary Guliani Clinton.
He also decides to stick around for the next few years, to "help us" realize the socalist paradise that America should be.

Well, we'd be pretty mad, wouldn't we? I'm sure some of us would take up arms against the invaders. Sure, they helped free us from a tyrant, but they'd also be pushing us in directions we may not want to go as a country.

Hugh Chavez would be dumbfounded! His socalist paradise is so perfect, why don't these silly Americans want it?

You see where i'm going with this?

Getting rid of Saddam was a great thing. Trying to turn Iraq into the type of country we want it to be is not. Iran is the type of state it is today precicely because of our meddling there.

Now I realize the opinions given here may be very unpopular; and i'm not trying to start a fight or a debate about the war. All I'm trying to do is illustrate a point.
by nitrogen
Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:09 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Ron Paul Fundraising pulls in over 2.6 M today alone
Replies: 74
Views: 10051

Ron Paul's views on the war in Iraq, as well as gun rights are very appealing.

His other views, however, scare the tar out of me.

I think hes somewhat of a nut.
I will say this, though. He's a very principled nut. That alone makes him a more attractive and better qualified candidate than ANYONE running on either side of the aisle.

I sent him $100 a few months ago. I'd rather have a principled nut in the whitehouse than anything else I have to choose from.

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