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by nitrogen
Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:38 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Replies: 56
Views: 8778


tfrazier: Let me give you a hint. You won't be able to back up the quote I asked you originally about, because Obama never appeared at any VPC fundraisers in 2007, or anytime else I know of or was able to find.

He also has never uttered any support for a ban on all semi automatic guns as president. I'm sure he'd like to pass an AWB and possibly a 1 gun a month law, but he'll never be able to. He's even admitted as such.

Absolutely, he was for bans like this when he ran for senator. I'm sure he's since learned better. Most people do learn better as they get older, at least most intelligent people do.

I can understand your hatred for the guy, being he's from the other team and all; but making up quotes that someone never said to bolster a position is intellectual dishonesty at its worst; and makes the side you're fighting for look stupid and foolish.

We need to be careful and tactical in these times in how we handle ourselves. Foolishness and intellectual dishonesty feeds into the agenda of those that would take our rights from us. The blantant lies and dishonesty of the previous administration in no small way helped feed the change in power, so please be careful.

Am I worried about an AWB coming out of congress? Yeah, thats possible; but as long as we fight hard, and fightSMART we will prevail. Public opinion is currently on our side, despite a media onslaught against our rights.
Look at any large internet news aggregator (i.e. digg or reddit) you'll see a 10:1 response to gun stories on our side. You see the Brady's get HAMMERED every time they post on the dang HUFFINGTON POST, a liberal media outlet.
Even the Democratic Underground has a nice sized gun forum with overwhelming pro gun sentiment.
by nitrogen
Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:09 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Replies: 56
Views: 8778


tfrazier wrote:Oh, and by the way:
-Barack Obama, VPC Fund Raiser, 2007 said instead of wrote:"My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office... In the first year, I intend to work with Congress on a national no carry law, 1 gun a month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-automatic guns."
Does that satisfy those who think it's just the congress we have to worry about?

I challenge you to back this quote up with facts. Provide sources for the quote, please.
by nitrogen
Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Replies: 56
Views: 8778


While I agree (and I actually like that Obama guy a bit more than is healthy [abbreviated profanity deleted] me to admit here) I also agree with folks that we have to keep our guard up.

Political winds can change quickly. Right now, there's no reward for Obama and the Democrats to push any gun control or gun confiscations. With the help of the ignorant media, this can quickly change.

I see Eric Holder starting to push his agenda, against what I think the wishes of Congress and the President are. The whole "90% of guns" thing was just a glimpse of what we are in for.

Personally, Eric Holder and certain members of congress scare me more than Obama. We need to watch those folks with sharp eyes.

My main problem with people going crazy with anger and hatred for Obama is that its reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz; He's the great green head in smoke, while Congress and some special interests are the men and women behind the curtain. THOSE are the strings we need to keep pulling, I think.

I agree; let's take him at his word. We'll keep saying, "nice doggy!" while holding the big stick behind our backs, hoping we don't need it! :mrgreen:

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