A couple of thoughts:
@TAM: when did the incident you describe occur? If it was more than a few years ago, is there a chance the bad apples are already gone?
@Chris (OP): The range is conveniently located, but I might suggest that the name carries no brand equity in a large part of the local shooting community and should be viewed as a liability, not an asset. If things really are changing - whether due to new ownership, new management, or a new commitment to positive, cooperative, friendly service at every contact point with customers, then changing the name would be a great first step to advertising the changes that the place has undergone. It's a way to distance from the damaged reputation of the range and demonstrate that the location is the only thing that's stayed the same. I hope what you say is accurate and that things are improving rapidly.
I haven't personally visited this range yet, but I'm right up the road from it near Cabela's. I've been close to visiting several times, but the legends of the Range Officers led me to drive 3-5x the distance to go elsewhere. There's about to be a new indoor range opening nearby on I-35W, but I currently travel to Winchester or The Shooter's Club (and infrequently Bass Pro) to do my shooting. I'll admit that even if you had the friendliest range in the world, shooting outside during the summer doesn't sound very attractive, but I'd definitely consider it from October through May.