frazzled wrote:I respect your position. I just feel the 51% requirements in Texas are one of the few pieces of intelligent legislation, well, ever. The libertarian in me says it should be legal as specifically put forward, the pessimist in me says thats fine, but I wouldn't want that in my bar. However, this is from someone who does not frequent bars in the first place, so your mileage may vary.
EDIT: I'd proffer my views are colored by all the "infamous gunfighter ended his career in a bar" and the old local bodycount which always had people eating it in a bar.
I agree but this law in AZ is misunderstood. Az did not have the 51% rule so it was not legal for a CCW to carry in Chili's at lunchtime because they sold alcohol, it did not matter if their food sales were more than alcohol. I thought that was the most stupid law on the books. A person with no permit can open carry in the bank but a person with a CCW could not carry in Chili's because they sold alcohol. I agree the 51% rule in Texas is a good law.