1. Anybody can buy a badge. Did you actually get a close look at it to determine if it's a REAL LEO badge?particle wrote:I was driving below the speed limit on the way home from work - about 55-60 in a 65. There was a grass fire off in the distance on the side of the road. The truck I was behind was the reason I was driving below the speed limit - he was interested in the fire, I was interested in getting home after a long commute. As soon as I had a clearing in the left lane, I moved over and accelerated around the truck. Behind me, up came racing a full-size white Chevy pickup. I wasn't seriously speeding at this point - maybe 2-3mph over the speed limit (normal traffic flow reaches 75-80mph on this stretch of highway). When I saw the truck come racing up on me, I stepped on it, then moved over into the right lane. At this point, the truck is tailgating me, so I sped up some more... By this point, we're both WELL over the posted speed limit (I honestly don't know fast we were going, I was just paying attention to the road and trying to figure out why this guy was riding my bumper). I pulled into the turning lane on the shoulder to prepare to pick up a movie for my wife, and the truck stayed right on my tail - he was so close, I couldn't safely slow down to enter the parking lot - I overshot the parking lot entrance a few feet (remember, he was riding my bumper), and (stupid, I know) I flipped the guy off. He responded by flashing his badge out his window. I pulled into the parking lot at the next opportunity, he got out and gave me heck for speeding, but never asked to see my license or insurance - he told me to put it away.
I was pretty ticked about the whole ordeal, but kept my cool. Personally, I felt like this guy acted WAY inappropriately in an off-duty, personal vehicle. I know I shouldn't have let the guy push my buttons, but (as a police officer) he should have never been pushing the buttons in the first place. I would have never sped up that much if he hadn't come racing up on my tail. I keep wondering if maybe he felt partly responsible for escalating the situation, but probably not.
I still have a great amount of respect for LEO, but guys like this don't do much for public opinion.
2. Was he in uniform? Like going to or from work?
3. The LEO'S I know personally, tend to shy away from the business aspect of their jobs when off duty.
They will respond to emergency situations. They also don't hesitate to call in violations or suspect activity.
But, chase someone down in their personal vehicle and scold them? Sounds like a mall security guard to me.