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by gemini
Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:48 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15771

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

gregthehand wrote:I got pulled over this last Saturday just outside Trinity coming from Huntsville. The speed drops to 55 mph coming into town and I didn't notice the sign so I was still doing 65ish mph. A DPS car whipped around on me and pulled me over. I went ahead and stopped into a gas station so we didn't have to sit on the side of the road with cars going by. The Trooper immediately asked me to step to the rear of the vehicle and I did so. Before I even showed him my CHL and all that he said why he stopped me and that I would be receiving a warning. After I he took my stuff he asked if I was carrying on my person which I was and where was it. I told him in my pocket (Kel-Tec PF9) and he had me put my hands in the air while he got it out. He unloaded it and handed me back my CHL, magazine, and one loose round. Something kid of funny; when he dropped the magazine out of my pistol he looked at the Speer Gold Dot and said "Hmm you mean business." I thought that was amusing.

Anyhow he came back with my warning and paperwork. Now he did mention why they were running CHL holder's weapons. He stated that they ran one every once in a while and it would come up as stolen. He said they had one last month that did so and the guy had bought it brand new from Carter's Country. Apparently a lot, as in a storage lot, had been broken into and "most" of the guns had been stolen but not all. Carter's Country just sent the loading manifest and the PD that handled the case marked everything on the manifest as stolen. So this guy had one of the guns that wasn't stolen but was mistakenly marked as such.

He asked if my wife had ammunition in the car (she didn't) and placed my pistol on the driver's seat. We then parted ways.

Overall the Trooper was extremely professional and courteous (I've never been treated any other way by DPS though). I think he realized I honestly didn't realize the speed limit dropped and cut me a break. I even told him flat out I must not have been paying attention. I think the stop went very well and I have to tell you I really don't care that he disarmed me. I wouldn't rate it as even a minor inconvenience and none of my guns are stolen. I know some will say a "right not exercised is soon lost" etc but I think picking your battles, not only which ones but when to fight them. I wasn't going to question this guy on the side of the road and no way in heck am I going to not put up my hands right after a peace officer tells me to do so.

On a side note we stopped at McKenzie's for lunch in Huntsville. I highly recommend it! :txflag:

Oh one more thing. When we got home that afternoon the wife's brand new license was waiting in the mailbox for us. I wonder what I would have said had she been carrying when he asked "Does she have any ammunition in the vehicle?"
If you are happy about being disarmed and the way the DPS stop turned out, great. Although I would never resist being
disarmed by LEO, I would not be elated. From the start you were informed you would be getting a warning.... I imagine that
in itself was not upsetting. Unless you were drunk, exhibited a nasty attitude, acted in a belligerent manner or otherwise caused the
DPS trooper to have a reason to fear you, disarming was not necessary. Not every LEO is a firearm expert. Having you raise your hands above your head, and the DPS trooper pull your gun from it's holster/concealment (your pocket)........ sounds like a possible potential ND, your leg or hip taking the hit. OOOpps. CHL and DPS...... trust works both ways. Sounds like more and more a one-way street.
by gemini
Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:07 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15771

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

2barearms wrote:After many phone calls, I finally spoke to a Lt at the Division Level here and he said he
would be working to change the practice of disarming CHL's during rountine traffic stops.
There has already been one AD as a result of an Officer unloading a CHL's weapon.
So maybe all my effort has been has been worth it, we''ll wait and see.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to persue this to a level at DPS where it might
actually make a positive change.
Wow, AD/ND while unloading a disarmed CHLer's weapon? I'm afraid to comment
further on this would be seen as LEO bashing.
by gemini
Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:31 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS trooper running serial numbers?
Replies: 84
Views: 15771

Re: DPS trooper running serial numbers?

2barearms wrote:
srothstein wrote:
2barearms wrote: Well, you better go have a talk with the DPS then, that's exactly what I was told this morning and if you'd like his rank, name and telephone number
and the Trooper who pulled me over and disarmed me and ran the SN's of my pistols, I'll gladly let you tell him how he should do it. I don't think they
care to be honest. I plan on talking to his Captain tomorrow, this crap takes a lot time out my very busy day. I'm a Life Member of TSRA, Houston Gun
Collectors and Gun Owners of America and I've been in contact with TSRA about this and the suggestion was to try to work it out first. If this doesn't
get resolved to my satisfaction this week I'll take the podium in front of a hundreds of Members at the Houston Gun Collectors Association meeting
next month and let them all know what going on. Also know I have many close friends in LE in 3 jurisdictions, they'd be the first to tell you I'm the guy
you want driving by when some bad guy has you down.

PM me and I'll send you the info maybe they'll listen to another cop.
If I thought it would do any good, I would call the trooper for you and tell him exactly where he went wrong. But I have beat my head against that wall too many times. There are lots of good troopers out there that will listen, and some that support CHL, but they are not as common as I would like. I hope that you can get a better result by seeing his supervisors (I normally suggest starting at the sergeant and then working the way up the chain to the Colonel if necessary). The current Colonel is much more concerned about their relationship with citizens though, so you might have some good luck.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going out of my way being courteous and helpful along the way. I took the morning off(I run a successful metal fab business during the day)
and went to see his Sergeant in person first (he wasn't in) I originally requested to review the tape with him and I just got the impression it wouldn't change his mind. He did admit that the Trooper had misstated DPS policy on mandatory SN checks of CHL weapons, so I assumed he reviewed the tape and audio prior to calling me later in the
morning. He said this issue would be addressed and stated that they CAN run them vs MUST run them, but I, like you still believe that LE is prohibited by state law from
disarming us without a reason. He argued many points and I ended up agreeing to disagree, so on to Plan D. I will probably officially request the tape be preserved and
made available for reviewing tomorrow.
Good luck to you Sir. My past experiences with the DPS attorney for CHL was less than stellar. Very similar to :banghead:
Please continue to keep us posted on your experience (progress?) with DPS regarding this matter.

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