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by gemini
Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:02 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ft Worth PD
Replies: 12
Views: 2281

Re: Ft Worth PD

jackal858 wrote:
Fangs wrote:On a related note, I went up to Arlington for my buddy's birthday and spent 2 nights on Sundance Square in Ft. Worth (at least that what the locals called it, kinda like a clean 6th street). Every officer I saw was doing their job well, and I even talked to a few randomly or while looking for directions to specific bars. So yeah, there are some bad apples, but my general opinion of the Ft. Worth officers I encountered and observed was very positive.
This is true of any PD. I don't think anyone here believes that the Fort Worth PD has a problem with hot headed officers. This is certainly an issolated incident. I also have always had good interaction with the officers in Fort Worth, particularly downtown.
.... and in my original post I never meant or intended to condemn LEO's as a group. I thought I made that clear.
However, this type of conduct can not be tolerated on any PD. If the other Officers present had felt the cuffed
suspect was any type of threat, I'm sure more than just Officer Collin Harris would have had their hands on him in
some form of restraint hold. After the man was slammed to the floor, two of the other Officers are seen walking away.
In my mind, they are distancing themselves from the actions of Officer Collin Harris. Maybe something the Ft Worth PD
needs to do, distance themselves from an Officer that shows no self control.
by gemini
Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:49 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ft Worth PD
Replies: 12
Views: 2281

Ft Worth PD

Just saw a story on Channel 4 (DFW area) regarding Officer Collin Harris slamming a handcuffed
DWI suspect into a wall and then slamming him into the floor. Resulting injuries were brain
damage, busted eye socket etc. Ft Worth City Council gave the abused suspect $120,000 settlement.
A pittance, the man went bankrupt, can't work and has continuing medical bills. Plus, the PD dropped all charges.
Before you comment, try to catch the video clip Channel 4 aired during the 5:30pm news. I normally will
go out of my comfort zone to support LEO's. But, when it appears there is a clear abuse of power,
I bail. I have no intention of bashing all LEO's in this post. However, I do hold LEO's to a higher standard
of conduct. Ft Worth does not need this Officer to remain "serving the public".

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