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by gemini
Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:14 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

anygunanywhere wrote:
gemini wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
gemini wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:The level of my remorse at using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump is indirectly proportional to the stupidity of their actions while in front of me should something go wrong with their poorly chosen risky behavior.

Mrs. Anygun and I had this very discussion as we watched a stunt idjit on I-45 southbound on our way to Galveston one afternoon.

...and if something should go wrong with your inept driving skills? Your level of remorse would be what?
None? Because you just ran over a man who will never go home to his kids, his wife, his family again.
Rider's fault or not. I don't see the humor in your post, or was it just bravado from someone who's never
seen a motorcycle fatality? Have a nice day.
Thank you. I will have a nice day. My inept driving skills when a stupid stunt rider lays it down in front of me? Please stop.

I have seen motorcycle fatalities. I was a paramedic for 12 years.

To each his own. I take it you are a motorcycle fan. Good for you. In my world a person is responsible for their actions whether it be stupid behavior with a motorcycle or with a firearm. Just because someone is stupid to the point of dying does not warrant remorse on my part. Sorry, but life just does not work that way.

Yea, right. But "using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump"..... that's on you.
Yes it is.

One more thing. If someone has kids, a wife, and family he should care about them to the point where he does not do stupid stunts. Stupid stunts illustrate that he does not care about them. In the final analysis, why should I care if he does not?

It seems you are trying to defend running over a rider. Justification? The rider did something stupid, though not necessarily against the law.
I'm trying to get drivers to be aware of motorcycles. Look twice etc. Safety from both sides. We obviously have two different objectives.
In the final analysis, no one can make you care about anything.
by gemini
Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:36 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

Keith B wrote:The other issue is that a motorcyclist whipping in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed can startle a or doing a motorists and can cause them to either swerve or react in another way counter to just staying the course. Goes for cars doing this also, but the motorcycles have a tendency to come by much faster and cut closer to the cars.

Also, bikers doing wheelies and other stunts are a distraction and while it may not be that dangerous for the rider, the distraction to the poor driver on the road may just be enough to cause them to loose focus and cause an accident.
A siren from an emergency vehicle, flashing lights on a wrecker, road construction, someone tail gating; all distractions to a driver. Probably make me concentrate harder on the task at hand, driving. However, I doubt they would make me loose control and cause an accident. But, I guess it could happen.

edit: I'm done. I have to go back to work.
by gemini
Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:30 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

sugar land dave wrote:
gemini wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:The level of my remorse at using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump is indirectly proportional to the stupidity of their actions while in front of me should something go wrong with their poorly chosen risky behavior.

Mrs. Anygun and I had this very discussion as we watched a stunt idjit on I-45 southbound on our way to Galveston one afternoon.

...and if something should go wrong with your inept driving skills? Your level of remorse would be what?
None? Because you just ran over a man who will never go home to his kids, his wife, his family again.
Rider's fault or not. I don't see the humor in your post, or was it just bravado from someone who's never
seen a motorcycle fatality? Have a nice day.
Did you ever see the photo of the t-boned sedan of the family of four killed when a motorcycle struck them at over 130 mph? What about their right not to have to be killed by an idiot breaking the driving law? I rode motorcycle for years, year-round in Seattle. That does not give me a right to preach to auto drivers who just want to go down the road without someone putting them in more danger than normal. A person's right to do stupid things ends when it places others in imminent danger.
Yes, I have seen a photo of a motorcycle inserted into a car from a high speed crash. I agree it was stupid on the cyclists part. Terrible.
But, in the majority of instances, motorcycle riders are involved in traffic accidents/fatalities due to the driving errors caused by others.
My point in all this is not to defend sportbikes, or riders acting crazy..... it's to get those who do not ride to pay more attention to others on
the road. As a rider, I also don't want a auto driver putting me in more danger than normal. A persons right to do stupid things (like texting
while driving, turning left in front of oncoming traffic without looking twice, tailgating etc etc) ends when it places others in danger. I agree.
I ride a touring bike. A bagger. I don't do wheelies, cut in and out of traffic, drive 130mph. I simply want to get to my destination without
getting killed by a auto/truck driver that is not paying atention.
by gemini
Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:12 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

anygunanywhere wrote:
gemini wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:The level of my remorse at using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump is indirectly proportional to the stupidity of their actions while in front of me should something go wrong with their poorly chosen risky behavior.

Mrs. Anygun and I had this very discussion as we watched a stunt idjit on I-45 southbound on our way to Galveston one afternoon.

...and if something should go wrong with your inept driving skills? Your level of remorse would be what?
None? Because you just ran over a man who will never go home to his kids, his wife, his family again.
Rider's fault or not. I don't see the humor in your post, or was it just bravado from someone who's never
seen a motorcycle fatality? Have a nice day.
Thank you. I will have a nice day. My inept driving skills when a stupid stunt rider lays it down in front of me? Please stop.

I have seen motorcycle fatalities. I was a paramedic for 12 years.

To each his own. I take it you are a motorcycle fan. Good for you. In my world a person is responsible for their actions whether it be stupid behavior with a motorcycle or with a firearm. Just because someone is stupid to the point of dying does not warrant remorse on my part. Sorry, but life just does not work that way.

Yea, right. But "using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump"..... that's on you.
by gemini
Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:46 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

anygunanywhere wrote:The level of my remorse at using a motorcycle and rider as a speed bump is indirectly proportional to the stupidity of their actions while in front of me should something go wrong with their poorly chosen risky behavior.

Mrs. Anygun and I had this very discussion as we watched a stunt idjit on I-45 southbound on our way to Galveston one afternoon.

...and if something should go wrong with your inept driving skills? Your level of remorse would be what?
None? Because you just ran over a man who will never go home to his kids, his wife, his family again.
Rider's fault or not. I don't see the humor in your post, or was it just bravado from someone who's never
seen a motorcycle fatality? Have a nice day.
by gemini
Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:31 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first encounter with CHL
Replies: 60
Views: 7858

Re: My first encounter with CHL

Wheelies at 70+mph, on crowded highways are dangerous, crazy and stooopid.
They are also cool, and make me wish I had the guts and skills necessary to do one.
I'm trying to work out the above in my mind....

That said; I see a lot of sportbike riders weaving in and out of heavy traffic, cutting
in front of cars, riding folks bumpers, a form of lane sharing etc. This type of
rider only makes other drivers mad. The last thing a motorcyclist needs is a mad
cage driver. Most cars/truck drivers do not know the difference between
a sportbike and a bagger or gezzer-glide. They place all bikes into the same category.
In turn, the cager becomes more aggressive toward ALL bikers.

To those that ride; you already know what scares you. To those that don't ride;
Please, please DO NOT tail gate a motorcycle, at any speed.
Please, please DO NOT text while driving. Use hands free to talk.
Please, please look twice for oncoming traffic before turning left.
Please allow extra room between your car/truck and a motorcycle when stopped at a red light.

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