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by UpTheIrons
Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:27 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question

gemini wrote:
UpTheIrons wrote:Now, counselor, if I may ask a follow up question... ;-)

Off-duty carry, as y'all have said, is not the law, but generally encouraged. Is that off-duty carry supposed to be open or concealed, or is there no definitive answer, i.e., either is OK?

As to judges and criminal defense attorneys, are they to carry open or concealed? I suppose concealed, to avoid confusing them with the LEO contingent. GC 411.198 to 411.201 seems to say only concealed, (since that's the part of the statutes dealing with CHL) so I'm supposing they move among us CHLers.

I believe you mean criminal district attys.
Yes - criminal DISTRICT attorneys is what I meant to ask.
by UpTheIrons
Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:35 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question

Now, counselor, if I may ask a follow up question... ;-)

Off-duty carry, as y'all have said, is not the law, but generally encouraged. Is that off-duty carry supposed to be open or concealed, or is there no definitive answer, i.e., either is OK?

As to judges and criminal defense attorneys, are they to carry open or concealed? I suppose concealed, to avoid confusing them with the LEO contingent. GC 411.198 to 411.201 seems to say only concealed, (since that's the part of the statutes dealing with CHL) so I'm supposing they move among us CHLers.

Just trying to narrow down who the guy was that so startled my father-in-law. He's slowly coming around, BTW, but he just can't understand why his sweet, sweet daughter wants an AR to go along with her 1911! :fire
by UpTheIrons
Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:18 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question

cbr600 wrote:Did he look like the gentleman on the right? ;-)

Why, is that you? :lol:
I'll have to ask him if the shirt looks familiar.
by UpTheIrons
Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:00 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

LEOs and Off-Duty Carry Question

A maybe-not-so-odd question, since it sorta meets the "contacts" part of the forum:

MUST off-duty officers ALWAYS carry their duty gun?

That is, must they, by law, always carry - on duty and off? Or is it left to the individual officer's or department's discretion? I got into a discussion with my father in law a while back on this topic and didn't have a definitive answer. He saw an off duty officer at HEB with his gun on (and in plain clothes). He didn't see a badge (but it must have been there, right?) but he assumed - correctly - that this was a peace officer. He was shocked that he was carrying his gun out of uniform. He assumed that when the uniform came off, so did the gun.

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