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by hirundo82
Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24680

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

Was it an actual "No Guns" sign, or was it the TABC "Unlicensed Possession" sign? Grocery stores are required to post the latter sign if they sell alcohol.

If it actually was a non-compliant "No Guns" sign, I agree on it being OK to carry past the sign. Texas law provides a clear way to prohibit CHLs from carrying, and if a business owner doesn't care enough to put up the right sign I'll just ignore it.

Also, I seriously doubt that Whole Foods is making a serious effort to ban guns in their store. Their founder and CEO, John Mackey, is a libertarian and, from what I can find online, that extends to his views on gun rights.

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