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by GlockenHammer
Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:59 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11369

Lumberjack98 wrote:Can this thread be locked yet?
Anyone is free to discontinue reading it, but I don't think a lock is warranted. As much as we don't like people to say bad things about us, I think it is important that people be able to air their concerns. However, if this degenerates into a personal attack or never ending beating of a dead horse (nice use of the emoticons), we may have to do just that. I'd like to give y'all a chance to self-moderate first....
by GlockenHammer
Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:56 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11369


Let me try my explanation. Sometimes we miss stuff. Once we've viewed posts, we generally don't have time to re-read them. If they pass our scrutiny once (even if we miss something really obvious--and that has happened), it could be viewed a million times without us taking additional action.

As LT said, if you see something you think is not within the guidelines, bring it up to a moderator or post yourself in that thread reminding folks of the rules. Others have done both of those and generally to good effect.

Let's not let this thing get personal. As many have said, we try really hard to be unbiased and fair. It is a tough job and we're doing our best. Why don't we get back to discussing guns and CHL issues?
by GlockenHammer
Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:42 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Issues with forum moderation
Replies: 48
Views: 11369

First, thanks to all who have given us moderators the benefit of the doubt and your appreciation.

For some of those that feel that there is a heavy hand in editing, I would like to point out that seldom do we actually edit a post manually. However, I would like to point out that the forum software has been programmed to detect certain words and phrases and replace them with more 10YOD-acceptable ones. These are automatic and not the result of a big-brother moderator looking over your shoulder, so you will not get a PM if this happens. (Please, if you must test this for yourself, please do it in the test section and then after you see the results, edit away your own test.)

I would also like to compliment you, the general membership. Just as we moderators often discuss questionable posts, threads or members, we also highlight the occasions where members have moderated themselves and turned threads we moderators were expecting to head for trouble back into productive threads. That is a great sign of maturity when the members are pro-active in this way.

In closing I would also like to compliment y'all on the quality of content we find here on Texas CHL Forum. After all, it is you, the members, that create the content that is valued by those that come here, not us. I too used to spend all of my on-line time on another forum. That forum pales in comparison to here for the reasons I've already mentioned. Even if I weren't a moderator, this would still be my "home" because of the quality of people and knowledge that is available here coupled with the restraint and maturity of all involved. So thanks to you, also.


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