AndyC wrote:texanron wrote:
So what did the neighbor have to say???
Well, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that he was very complimentary about my playing.
He's New York Italian so it was pretty hard to make what exactly he was saying between all his yawns but I gathered that he enjoyed listening to my rendition of "Scotland the Brave" (I'd given it a bit of a modern kick by putting it through my guitar-amp so I could use the distortion-effect - pretty cool, huh?).
When I smiled and blushed and thanked him and went to close the door, he turned red (obviously overcome with emotion by my music) and started babbling and gesticulating as only Italians can - I couldn't understand a word by that stage, so to give him a gentle hint that I had enjoyed our little chat but that I really had to get back to practicing, I closed the door softly and went back upstairs. I also tweaked the volume up a wee bit more so he could easily enjoy it without straining.
I have such wonderful neighbors!
I'm sure that soon your relationship will mature to the point that you will get to see at least one of the items in his gun collection.