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by TLE2
Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Your First Car
Replies: 66
Views: 7486

Re: Your First Car

My cars can't match that, but they had their own "spirit".

First car was a 1957 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. Great for the drive in (movie that is).

First new car was a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle. After I'd had it a few years, I hopped up the engine (more or less). Did on a dirt floor garage, down to the cases. My beautiful daughter (2 or 3 at the time) came into the garage and threw a handful of dirt in the open cases. Cleaned it out best I could, drove it toward Vermont (for a job) with my wife, aforementioned daughter and all our worldly possessions a few weeks later. Burned out a rear main bearing in Nashville on Labor Day weekend (Nothing open and very little money in our pocket). Drove the rest of the way to Vermont adding a quart of oil with every tank of gas.

That winter, it was buried in a snow drift until early spring. Tow truck driver pulled it out, pushed it down a hill to get it started. Drove it to a dealer and traded for a car to get home.

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