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by shootthesheet
Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24680

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
It is harder for a person to accept a "truth" or "fact" from someone they know than from a stranger most of the time. They know our faults or what they consider faults and allow their own weaknesses to be projected on us. It may be something as small as how a husband reacts to a football game. She thinks he can't control himself watching that "SILLY" sport then how can he control himself with a gun. It is ignorant and one has nothing to do with the other but in a wife’s simple thought process that is how it is. Could be a husband as well that thinks that way. Nothing to do with one sex or the other. None of that exists with a stranger so people are more likely to listen and consider the truths and facts of an argument. Especially if the person is or looks respectable. It was Jesus, I think, that said, "A Profit isn't accepted in his home town" (my way of remembering it). It goes back to how a person thinks of us versus who we really are. My opinion anyway.

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