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by MojoTexas
Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:02 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: It was weird...
Replies: 29
Views: 4119

Re: It was weird...

GrayGhost wrote: I think, if I didn't know better, I would assume someone carrying concealed was a LEO. The more you can pull off the "it's no big deal" look, the more it will just be assumed you are not a bad guy and you probably have a legit reason for carrying. Assuming, of course, that your concealment has been made.
I am a little overweight to really look like a cop, but I do have a cop-style haircut, and I agree that if you act confident and relaxed, nobody will probably make a big deal out of it if you accidentally print. I would wager that most CHL holders are relatively normal and clean-cut looking.
by MojoTexas
Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: It was weird...
Replies: 29
Views: 4119

Re: It was weird...

bdickens wrote:
MojoTexas wrote:
frazzled wrote:
bdickens wrote:
MojoTexas wrote:I encountered my first real 30.06 sign today. My wife had to have outpatient surgery to have her gall bladder removed, and as we were entering Presbyterian Hospital in Plano I spotted a stylish 30.06 sign. The colors were white and blue with a "gun-busters" sign, and the font was too small and italics, but the text was legit. I left my pistol in the truck and felt naked the whole time I was there. Thankfully no hospital ninjas attacked.... ;-)

In that case, it wasn't a real 30.06 sign.
Your statement has not been tested in the courts.
Yeah I am not willing to test the theory.

I am.

No wonder we've lost so many of our rights.

I don't understand what's so hard to understand about the sign has to say exactly this, be in English and Spanish, in block letters at least 1" high that contrast with the background and it has to be posted conspicuously. Am I just dense?
I didn't have a tape measure to measure the height of the letters, but the text was exactly right, and it was VERY conspicuous. The only thing that might make it semi-invalid was the fact that it was white letters on a dark blue background, and the letters were italic block letters, not normal block letters. It was close enough in my opinion that I didn't want to test it.
by MojoTexas
Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:48 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: It was weird...
Replies: 29
Views: 4119

Re: It was weird...

frazzled wrote:
bdickens wrote:
MojoTexas wrote:I encountered my first real 30.06 sign today. My wife had to have outpatient surgery to have her gall bladder removed, and as we were entering Presbyterian Hospital in Plano I spotted a stylish 30.06 sign. The colors were white and blue with a "gun-busters" sign, and the font was too small and italics, but the text was legit. I left my pistol in the truck and felt naked the whole time I was there. Thankfully no hospital ninjas attacked.... ;-)

In that case, it wasn't a real 30.06 sign.
Your statement has not been tested in the courts.
Yeah I am not willing to test the theory.
by MojoTexas
Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:19 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: It was weird...
Replies: 29
Views: 4119

Re: It was weird...

I encountered my first real 30.06 sign today. My wife had to have outpatient surgery to have her gall bladder removed, and as we were entering Presbyterian Hospital in Plano I spotted a stylish 30.06 sign. The colors were white and blue with a "gun-busters" sign, and the font was too small and italics, but the text was legit. I left my pistol in the truck and felt naked the whole time I was there. Thankfully no hospital ninjas attacked.... ;-)
by MojoTexas
Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:23 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: It was weird...
Replies: 29
Views: 4119

It was weird...

Yesterday (Saturday) I went to get a haircut, and while I was in the chair a McKinney police officer came in, also to get a haircut.

I should mention that I just got my plastic earlier this week, and this was my first time carrying in the barber shop. I had my Springfield XD(m) in a Supertuck IWB holster underneath a flannel shirt.

Nothing happened, but boy was I nervous...I just knew that I was "printing" and that he was going to draw and order me onto the ground! It didn't happen of course. I got my haircut, paid the barber, even laughed when the barber joked with the cop about, "Don't tase me, bro!"

Not really a contact, but I still thought it was funny's gradually becoming more comfortable carrying every day. I'm starting to relax a little!

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