I have a similar challenge when it comes to cardio issue. I'm a mesomorph leaning toward endo. I'm 6'2" and at my fittest I was 250# @ 12%bf (think "linebacker" build). If I even think about running I get shin splints. I've found that, for me, a stationary recumbent bike is the answer. I put $400 into a decent quality one and have been really happy with it.NcongruNt wrote:
I am by no means a slightly-built person, and have a large frame and vastly more muscle mass than the average person. At my height of fitness when I was 17 (swimming NINE 1.5 - 2 hour sessions and cycling 200 miles per week) I was around 185 pounds and 6' tall. I've put on more upper-body muscle since then (along with fat, obviously), and tip the scales at 290. I would venture to say that It would be near impossible (and probably unhealthy) to get down below 200, so I'm shooting for around 215 in the long run.
My predicament is with exercise. I'm not built for sustained running - even at 17, I was terrible at it. Hiking/backpacking distances is more my style, but that's difficult to work into a regular schedule. If it were practical, I'd walk the 4 miles to work and back every day. However, carry is banned at work, and disarmament isn't something I'm willing to do in my commute, particularly considering some of the areas my walking route would take me through. The same problem, besides the 1K or so for a proper bike, exists for commuting to work by bicycle.
Any suggestions/successes ya'll have to share would be appreciated.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add: Deadlifts!