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by troglodyte
Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore
Replies: 9
Views: 2846

Re: 30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore

Liberty wrote:
troglodyte wrote:I took my dad to the doctor the other day in the typical medical building, owned by the hospital group. I've taken him there for the last three years and have always been greeted at the door with a proper 30.06 on the glass door front. White background with red letters, big, noticable, no question.

This time I walked in, looking for it as I always do, and it was gone. I stopped and looked around to see if it had been relocated. No where to be found.

Makes me wonder why? They did some remodeling maybe they forgot to put it back. The doors and the door front look the same and the hardware is worn so I don't think they did anything to that entry. Maybe a worker ran a wheelbarrow through it and when it was replaced they didn't bother to put the sign back up. I don't know. Just struck me as odd. I can't imagine a hospital group would intentionally take it down, assuming they even remember it was there.

Not sure what this means or why I occupied bandwidth to tell you. Just thought I would share.
Could be that they were recruiting some doctor who has a CHL and he negotiated the 30.06 away.
My wife suggested that. If so, I would like to know the doctor and go to him/her...of course with my luck it would be an OB/GYN :shock:
by troglodyte
Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:59 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore
Replies: 9
Views: 2846

Re: 30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore

Logically you would have to go with if the sign is currently in place. I wouldn't expect them to post a "CHLs are Now Welcome" sign. It would be reasonable to think it was OK.

Same would go for a business that decides to take their's down. It is no longer posted.

Now, if it was a case of the window getting broken and the sign not being replaced I think you are still covered. You can only go on what is presented before at the time of entrance.

Just to throw in another twist. The back entrance has no sign. I don't know if it ever did or not.

I'll have to take dad in again in a couple of months so I'll check again.
by troglodyte
Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore
Replies: 9
Views: 2846

30.06 removed, gone, not there anymore

I took my dad to the doctor the other day in the typical medical building, owned by the hospital group. I've taken him there for the last three years and have always been greeted at the door with a proper 30.06 on the glass door front. White background with red letters, big, noticable, no question.

This time I walked in, looking for it as I always do, and it was gone. I stopped and looked around to see if it had been relocated. No where to be found.

Makes me wonder why? They did some remodeling maybe they forgot to put it back. The doors and the door front look the same and the hardware is worn so I don't think they did anything to that entry. Maybe a worker ran a wheelbarrow through it and when it was replaced they didn't bother to put the sign back up. I don't know. Just struck me as odd. I can't imagine a hospital group would intentionally take it down, assuming they even remember it was there.

Not sure what this means or why I occupied bandwidth to tell you. Just thought I would share.

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