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by ninemm
Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:42 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: What actually happens when you are arrested?
Replies: 36
Views: 7980

Re: What actually happens when you are arrested?

I didn't actually get arrested (this time) but.....

Loud knock on front door at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning.

Look out a front bedroom window to see City of DeSoto police car sitting in front of my house.

Go to door and open it (leaving storm door latched).

A very young uniformed officer says, "Are you so and so?"

I answer truthfully, "No." (The name about which he asked was my father's name. My name has a "Jr." after it.)

Then I asked, "Who are you?"

With an incredulous look on his face, he said "I'm Officer Smith with the DeSoto PD."

"Do you have any I.D.?"

"Sir, I'm in uniform with my badge right here and my cruiser right there."

"How do I know for sure that you are who you say you are?" (The officer shows me his driver's license and some sort of City of Desoto employee I.D. (insurance card, I think) but nothing in the way of any law enforcement credentials.)

"You don't have anything that certifies that you are a police officer."

"Sir, this badge says I am."

"Joe Smith is really a common name. I know a half dozen guys with that name."

Officer: "Are you the owner of this house?"

"No." (At the time, I was renting while building a new house.)

"Is the owner here?"


"Do you know where he is?"

"They live in Colorado. Do you need their address or phone number?"

The officer says to wait. He goes to his car, talks on the radio and comes back to the door.

Again, a loud knock.

"Are you the occupant of this house?"

"Uh, yes."

"Do you live here?"


"Who are you?"

"So and so." (nickname only)

"Sir, I'm here to arrest so and so, Jr.." Are you so and so, Jr." (This time, he reads the full name from a notepad.)

"Yes, I am."

"Please step out on the porch."

"For what?"

"I was told to bring you in."

"For what?"

"I'm not sure. Just following orders."

"Do you have a warrant?"


"May I see it?"

"I don't have it with me."

"Tell you what. Let me get a shower and get dressed and I'll call down to the station after 8:00 a.m. and see what the heck this is all about. What is the non-emergency number?"

"Sir, I can't let you do that."

"Why not?"

"I'll get in trouble."

"O.K., give me a minute to get dressed. I'll get my car and you can follow me." The officer was jabbering something as I close and lock the door. I go brush my teeth and get dressed. While doing so, I heard a car door shut and looked out a window to see the officer leaving. Later, well after 8:00 a.m., I called a lawyer friend and he advised to wait and see what they do next. He found out that there was a warrant out for someone with the exact same name (same middle initial - different middle name) as mine for poaching in Angelina County and evading arrest. The guy they were after was 19 years old, 5'3" tall and 125 pounds. I was 43, 5'11" and 200 pounds. Why they would send a single inexperienced officer to arrest someone charged with evading arrest and known to possess a weapon is a whole 'nuther story.

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