Many of us like our OWB's and they are easily concealable in cool weather by wearing a largish sweatshirt, jacket, or other cover garment.E150GT wrote:Ill have to check that holster out. I never thougth about OWB holsters as being concealable. Thanks for the input. I look forward to reading up here and gaining a wealth of knowledge.surprise_i'm_armed wrote:A Bianchi Model 82 is available in black or tan. It is marked on the
back as "Glock 26", but it is definitely the right holster for my PT111.
Get one - you'll love it. With OWB holsters, you don't have to buy your
pants one size larger, as you have to with IWB rigs.
In hot weather, just buy your T-shirts long enough and your OWB with the PT111 in it will also be fully concealed. Heck, there's plenty
of guys carrying their 1911's in OWB's too.