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by TEX
Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:28 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?
Replies: 158
Views: 33636

Re: ISIS Mall Attack - How can we prepare?

Although the "stay out malls" and "stay out of theaters" is sound advice, I believe the question was of the "if you were in a mall" type question. It doesn't look like the question really received any qualifying answers or suggestion yet. Here is mine.

The worst case I could see would be some goblins that set up car bombs or high volume weapon stations at mall exits and then sent a couple of fellow goblin in to start shooting and herd the sheep into a killing zone outside. Most all of the stores in a mall have back stock rooms that lead to the outside at a not obvious exit or to hallways that lead to loading docks, etc. The stores with very few exception have rolling door at their mall entrance that can be secured. The stock room of a store with the mall entrance door secured can act as a sort of safe room if need be. That being said, I think return fire of any kind would be beneficial from the very start. Most of these goblins are cowards at heart and don't expect immediate resistance. I can repeatedly hit a man size target with my pistol at 100 yards and in a crowd the person on the receiving end at 100 yards might take some time to figure out where the angry lead was coming from, especially if the gift giver was well covered or hidden. Anyway, what I have instructed my family members to do if a problem arises at a mall is to head into the stock room of a nearby store and get outside of possible, but not to use the main entrances.

Any other thoughts would be welcome.

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