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by powerboatr
Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:25 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: "This will be a citation stop"
Replies: 14
Views: 3311

Re: "This will be a citation stop"

yes but us Texans are friendly.....most of the time
a blanket yes no during a stop simply is to much BLANKET response
i always gauge his/her attitude as a POR for answers or elaborations of said answers

I do have trust issues of some wearing blue......however they are not Texas troopers or my local folks.
new mexico is another elephant entirely

and for some reason the past 15 months i get pulled over often, not ticketed but pulled over.
license checks, guilty looking :nono:

IMO the folks stopping us....put alot on the line and we non guilty people should try to be cordial if possible, without being to chatty.
I wouldn't want to be a Dallas officer to save my life

i put my soap box back now

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