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by lrb111
Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:07 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.
Replies: 46
Views: 5787

Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.

Zee wrote:I always thought that people of liberal thought processes are firm believers in giving government more and more responsibilities outside the Constitutional boundaries setup to restrict those infringements, thus allowing little oversight, or accountability for screwups, mis-management of programs; intrusive, overpriced, ineffective policies both foreign and domestic...Cradle to grave, because it is a core belief through many examples of these tendencies that liberals believe government knows better than you or I how to live our lives...I could go on and on...No offence intended...

No wonder some folks get so hot when they hear liberal. Where does this poo come from? It sounds "Fair and Balanced"
The above definition is not my idea of how things need to run.
It pre-dates "fair and balanced" by at least 100 years as an active political force in the US. It has been known as the farcical "Utopia" for eons.

It's a very attractive formula for the laziest amongst us. I call it "striving for mediocrity".
Even though my own small successes have been just about mediocre.

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