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Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Electricity went dead in theater today...
Replies: 28
Views: 3742

Re: Electricity went dead in theater today...

liberT wrote:
KD5NRH wrote:

At $4, I got two of them, with one in the emergency kit and one in my outside jacket pocket. Switch is easy to hit, but it uses 1AA, so carrying a spare is cheap and easy.
The SIPIK 68 knockoffs vary in quality. They're all rough externally but some are better than others internally. If you get one with good solder joints and a centered LED, or you're willing and able to DIY fix, they're diamonds in the rough.
Both of mine are well into the "good enough" territory. Nowhere near matching the turbo output on my Fenix, but plenty for following a trail or working on the car. Haven't left one on until it dies to see what the battery life is, but from the use I put on one before the battery gave up, I'm sure it's several hours. In a "look and then go as far as you saw" scenario, I would expect to be able to hike all night on a fresh battery as long as I don't run into too many areas that need continuous scrutiny. Of course, the Fenix is in the car door pocket, so if I'm making camp or hiking out from a breakdown, I'll likely be carrying both of the cheapies, the Fenix, the WalMart OT light and 1-2 multi-LED worklights that I keep in the car for nighttime repairs. I don't like tripping over stuff in the dark :)

Then, if I'm making camp, the 72 hour kit has 3-4 different fire starting methods covered, plus food, water, spare knife and shelter, but I still have to gather firewood and put up whatever shelter I decide on, so light is good there too.
Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Electricity went dead in theater today...
Replies: 28
Views: 3742

Re: Electricity went dead in theater today...

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At $4, I got two of them, with one in the emergency kit and one in my outside jacket pocket. Switch is easy to hit, but it uses 1AA, so carrying a spare is cheap and easy. Fenix LD20 in the driver's side door pocket. Also one of these in the inside pocket of my work jacket: ... t/27859985" onclick=";return false;

With everything LED and using AAs, I can easily make sure I have several hours of light available. Plus since the company issued me an iPhone 4S, I can just ask Siri to turn on the light :)

Then if that all fails, I have plenty of fire making stuff in the emergency kit too...and 2 gallons each of gasoline and kerosene in the trunk to help with that.

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