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- Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:37 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
- Replies: 81
- Views: 18146
Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
After serving on several jurys, I have come to believe that the trial is just a "game" to the lawyers involved...wins/loses...X's and O's. I know nothing about this case but it appears the DA filed as many charges against the defendant as she could dream up just hoping to get a win/guilty verdict on at least one charge. That way she wins. On one charge, he was found guilty of "firing a missle " into the car. I can just hear the Judge's instruction to the jury.."If you find that the Defendant did fire a missle into the car, then you must find him guilty." The deceased might have been a stellar individual, but the jury is not allowed to use the deceased past in making a determination of the Defendant telling the truth about the gun and the deceased actions leading up to the shoot. Was there any video showing the actual shoot or was this a case on believing what witness was more credible and who was telling the truth. It seems from the comments of the above forum members that they think he was guilty as sin. If he is (and a jury now says he was) guilty of attemping to murder 3 young teens, then he need to go to jail for a long time. The DA says she will re-try the 1st degree murder trial. According to the talking head lawyers on CNN, he will already be sentenced to serve the rest of his life in prison. Why waste taxpayer money on tacking on one more charge if the punishment will not increase. Oh I more win.
- Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:33 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
- Replies: 81
- Views: 18146
Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
I didn't watch the trial at all and I just heard the verdict. The jury was hung on the first degree murder charge, meaning at least one juror thought the defendant was somewhat justified in shooting the deceased teen. He was also found guilty of 3 cases of attempted murder which means ALL the jurors thought he had no justification to shoot the gun in the direction of the other 3 teens in the car. Does this mean in the future if you need to use self defence against one person in a group that you can be criminally charged because your actions threatened the other members of the group. ie...a group of gang bangers approach you and only one of the group trys to rob you. You pull your handgun and fire more than one round hitting and stopping the robber. Everyone agrees you were justified in doing this. The local DA wants a charge brought and files attemped murder of the "innocent" gang bangers.
What am I missing here?
What am I missing here?