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by gwashorn
Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:37 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

As said the old Circuit City store next to Pet Smart I think it is but in front of Home Depot. that is East side of I-45 and South of FM646. Rifles, pistols, shotguns. I do believe full auto is allowed from memory. max rifle is 30.06 I think. Pricing I think is $12/hr as many guns as you want. No per gun charge I think. They have memberships as well for extras.

by gwashorn
Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:13 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

Well, my two cents, or where was it I saw .0125 or something based on inflation. Oh well, I don't have a copy of the membership flyer anymore. I did get a membership but those prices are the INITIAL year and then much lower after that for next years. I did my calculations and over the first year I will barely spend more than an extra $200 for the first year versus not having the Elite. It may not even be that much. Over a 3 year time, I come out ahead on money for shooting. Pricing, well, Walmart is cheap and they seem to be doing just fine. Seriously, if volume is high then prcing will do the trick. Plus I think for total business model is the store and the range together which, one compliments the other. then the classes they offer. So it is a full package business that provides, or at least I am sure they hope, a broad base of ways to succeed. Only time will tell. I certainly wish them well, but I am glad they are there. As for the clothing and other items, I was hoping for a broader offering so for me it is good. I think the amount of weapons they carry or could carry will change as the model changes I suspect. I have ordered directly what I want from them and others. I look, research and find. If Arms Room can get it for a reasonable price then I just order what I want. I got a few of my last ones that way. Then again, wife just bought a new one two nights ago that was in the case.

Also I am a PSC member and I will NEVER give it up. It offers way too much for things I like and want as well. Plus the members and those who run it are top notch in my eyes and I appreciate what they do for me. Just shot IDPA there this morning in fact. I think there is room for all and even more from conversations I hear from people when I am at the range. For me I just smile because I live between the two so I am really good to go.

by gwashorn
Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:24 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

Well, I did the math for my needs and wife. I am a member at PSC and will NEVER give it up. I love the PSC. However, my lovely wife does not like to sweat, so there are a few months in the year getting her out to shoot is hard. So I did get the membership. It just about, maybe not quite but just about evens out for me. And it allows me to get my wife out more than she does. That is important to do so I am glad I did it. Now if I can just get some time away to go and play!

by gwashorn
Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:47 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

I was there today to check for an item I wanted. Fairly full and staff all busy with customers. I still need to learn a few new names there but even the new people are coming up, asking if they can help or "Hey, glad to see you again". I just sent Travis an e-mail to get me the item I was looking for since it was not in stock. I think any business has it's good and bad days and if you catch it wrong, well, it is the real world. But give them another chance, I bet anything they will be more than happy to help.

by gwashorn
Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:48 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

Hmmm... Not sure I understand why you felt that way when entering. I have been going to their store for almost 1 1/2 years and it has always been friendly, easy and open. The new store is really nice and I can't say I got that feeling. I guess my question is what was the source of the feeling? I am wondering if the fact they are all wearing their weapons was the reason she felt that way? They have always done that as do many other places I have been so for me it seems normal. Just curious. I do see a lot of new employee faces that I have to learn their names but I will get there.

As for what you were looking for I do routinely ask them to get things I would like and they do if possible. So if it is not in stock but you know what it is, you could ask them if they can get it. It has worked for me. Best of luck on the birthday present.

by gwashorn
Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:15 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The Arms Room is open!
Replies: 36
Views: 7739

Re: The Arms Room is open!

I was in on Friday and Saturday, talked to Travis for a while. They will also be offering rental on guns for the ranges to try and buy etc. Also, expanding the gun smithing options at their Holland Gun Works just up the road. I had my AR15 built there and they are apparently going to do custom 1911s as well. I think the total business model is to marry a good store, gun range and service package all into one really full total package with good pricing and service. Just a couple of miles from my house so that is nice. I look forward to them growing.


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