Search found 1474 matches
- Sat May 23, 2015 6:32 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Killer clown prankster gets punched & gun drawn on him
- Replies: 102
- Views: 37511
Re: Killer clown prankster gets punched & gun drawn on him
This is why I tend to avoid women who wear heels on any date that's going to involve more walking than from a close-in parking lot. Same with flip flops no matter how casual the situation is. I don't date children, so I assume any woman I date is adult enough to make her own decisions and deal with...
- Sat May 23, 2015 6:19 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: CHL Class questions
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3325
Re: CHL Class questions
A competent firearms instructor will not allow an unsafe shooter to remain on the line and endanger other students.
A good instructor in any subject will not allow a student to continually disrupt a class and remain in the classroom.
A good instructor in any subject will not allow a student to continually disrupt a class and remain in the classroom.
- Sat May 23, 2015 6:11 pm
- Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
- Topic: Campus Carry -- Where Are We Now?
- Replies: 319
- Views: 104815
Re: Campus Carry -- Where Are We Now?
I'm willing to wait and see but if he doesn't keep his promise, he deserves a big fat "F" from every gun rights organization.
- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:41 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Activating security alarm at retail stores while carrying
- Replies: 30
- Views: 9383
Re: Activating security alarm at retail stores while carryin
They're not metal detectors. Unless you have a loss control tag hidden in your gun (or holster) there's no way that's what is setting them off.
- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:24 pm
- Forum: Closed Items
- Topic: WTS-LNIB Kahr PM9 Black
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3927
Re: WTS-LNIB Kahr PM9 Black
I wish you were local. Travel kills the deal for me but good luck with the sale.joseywales wrote:Price $425. Prefer TXCHL holder, FTF in DFW area. No trades.

- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:22 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: I have subscribed to an anti gun forum, their thoughts here.
- Replies: 63
- Views: 17393
Re: I have subscribed to an anti gun forum, their thoughts h
The death penalty is the only method proven to keep violent felons from using guns in future crimes.philip964 wrote:Common sense steps on gun control.
- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:17 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Restroom Etiquette
- Replies: 29
- Views: 11117
Re: Restroom Etiquette
longtooth wrote:they wet sour fast

- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:14 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Speed Dating....
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3960
Re: Speed Dating....
That's hot. Tragically, I can't afford to keep her in the style to which she is accustomed.The Annoyed Man wrote:[ Image ]
- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:11 pm
- Forum: 2014 Elections
- Topic: Your 2014 Vote is Critical
- Replies: 19
- Views: 21462
Re: Your 2014 Vote is Critical
The native Việt speakers I know are pretty conservative because they remember what they left behind. If only the native Spanish speakers would also vote against the politics that caused the problems they fled.
- Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:06 pm
- Forum: Instructors' Corner
- Topic: Using a Revolver for the CHL Proficiency
- Replies: 14
- Views: 5967
Re: Using a Revolver for the CHL Proficiency
Did the TDCJ employee cite the law or was he just blowing smoke up your nether region? There may be a house rule in the instructor class requiring trigger-cocking but nobody has ever shown me anything in the law or administrative code that requires CHL applicants to refrain from thumb-cocking. In fa...
- Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:28 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OCT Announces legislative plans for 2015.
- Replies: 25
- Views: 6650
Re: OCT Announces legislative plans for 2015.
Beiruty and I were talking about the legislative goal not the cult of personality. Other than that, great post.
- Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:24 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
- Replies: 81
- Views: 18508
Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
As to the original topic, this guy was looking to pick a fight and he got exactly what he deserved From the story, it sounds like that might apply to both Dunn and Davis. OMG, although completely unrelated, when I read this the first thing that popped into my head was Wallace and Davis. Who gets th...
- Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:16 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OCT Announces legislative plans for 2015.
- Replies: 25
- Views: 6650
Re: OCT Announces legislative plans for 2015.
Other border states like NM and AZ have had unlicensed open carry for a long time without the BLOOD IN THE STREETS that opponents of OC in Texas keep touting. Maybe we could learn something from them.Beiruty wrote:1) How do you deny Felons, carrer criminals, and illegal Residents from Carrying?
- Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:10 pm
- Forum: The Crime Blotter
- Topic: parents of deceased son let killer move in
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2471
Re: patents of deceased son let killer move in
It sounds like he negligently (recklessly?) killed his best friend. I don't know if I could do the same in the parents' shoes but maybe it's the right thing for them. I hope the arrangement helps them heal.
- Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:03 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Thinking of creating NFA Trust
- Replies: 20
- Views: 6311
Re: Thinking of creating NFA Trust
Two questions: 1 - anyone in Texas you recommend? I am in Dallas area but I don't require the person be local. I have obviously googled texas NFA Trust lawyers, but don't know anything more other than what their site says. 2 - are any of you rushing to set these up based on pending NFA trust change...