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by C-dub
Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:44 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7285

Re: Stopped by Irving LEO

RPBrown wrote: Wife got stopped in Grand Prairie a couple of weeks ago for 53 in a 50 on Belt Line.

As for the Op's situation, I know a few Irving motor cops. They have told me several times that more times than not they will give warnings if its not over 10. They also know walking up to the car if it will be a warning or citation. However, the persons attitude can easily change that.
I didn't know there was any place on Belt Line that was 50 mph.
by C-dub
Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:50 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped by Irving LEO
Replies: 36
Views: 7285

Re: Stopped by Irving LEO

I drive through Irving along 635 five days a week to and from work. I see folks pulled over all the time at least once a week. I might have even seen you this morning. They tend to set up there one or two days a week and go somewhere else the other 3-4 days. Sometimes I get folks upset that I'm in the right lane with my cruise control on 60-61 and sometimes I get a little wave if someone was forced to slow down just before coming over a little rise before noticing that today was radar or in your case lidar day.

I, knock knock, haven't gotten a ticket since 1999, but I have never had an officer inflate my speed. The few times I have gotten a ticket they have usually decreased it by a couple mph. I guess to make it more palatable so I would think they were doing me a favor and I wouldn't argue so much, but whatever. There was the one time I received a ticket for speeding when I wasn't even riding on the road the officer said I was speeding on, but that's a different rant :mad5 and a long time ago.

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