Search found 2 matches

by C-dub
Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Annoyed Grandson
Replies: 58
Views: 7471

Re: The Annoyed Grandson

The Annoyed Man wrote: Actually TAB1 is The Annoyed Boxador, whom you haven't met because he doesn't know how to make nice around other people, and TAB2 is The Annoyed Boxer.

TAS has often been referred to by me on these pages as TAB - The Annoyed Boy. However, he is now a man, but he may not use my handle as I own all copyrights to the name....... So TAS it is.
Ah, I did not remember you had two. TAB2 certainly knows how to make nice with others.
by C-dub
Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:30 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Annoyed Grandson
Replies: 58
Views: 7471

Re: The Annoyed Grandson

flintknapper wrote:Congratulations Chris, to you and the entire Annoyed Family.

TAM.....The Annoyed Man aka TAG1.....The Annoyed Grandfather
TAW.....The Annoyed Wife aka TAG2.....The Annoyed Grandmother.....aka SWMBO.....She Who Must Be Obeyed
TAS.....The Annoyed Son
TAD.....The Annoyed Daughter-in-Law
TAG3.....The Annoyed Granddaughter
TAG4.....The Annoyed Grandson

Please forgive...I don't remember the Annoyed Pet(s)?

God has Blessed!
The Annoyed Boxer ... TAB

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